food 4 tots

Apple flapjacks

food for tots, Food 4 Tots, apple, flapjack, granola, bar, oat, snack, toddlers, fiber, picky eater


Source: Adapted and modified from

Make: 16 squares

2 large apples
Juice of ½ lemon
100g unsalted butter
60g brown sugar
45g golden syrup
200g porridge oats (I used raw rolled oats)
25g sunflower seeds
25g pumpkin seeds
Pinch of salt


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  2. Line and grease the base and side of a 20cm square baking tin
  3. Peel, core and slice the apples. Place them in a small saucepan together with the lemon juice and a little bit of water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes or until the apple is soft. Stirring occasionally.
  4. Mash the cooked apple mixture to a soft puree. When it has cool down, press through a sieve to squeeze out the excess juices. Set aside.
  5. Mix oats, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds together in a bowl and set aside.
  6. Melt butter, sugar, syrup and salt together in another saucepan over a low heat. But do not let the mixture boil.
  7. Stir in the dry ingredients in step 5 and mix well.
  8. Spread half the mixture (in step 7) into the bottom of the baking tin. Then, press down to level the layer using a potato masher.
  9. Spread the apple puree over the oatly layer.
  10. Press the remaining oaty mixture over the apple puree until it is fully covered.
  11. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown. (refer to note 1)
  12. Remove the baking tin from the oven and mark the flapjack into squares. Leave the flapjacks to cool completely in the baking tin. Then transfer the flapjacks together with the baking tin to the fridge. Chill for at least 4 hours or overnight until the squares are hardened.
  13. Then store these squares in an air tight container and continue to keep them in the fridge until serving.


  1. The longer it is cooked, the harder the texture. So, keep the baking time as brief as possible (ideally for 20 minutes) if you wish to retain a chewy texture.
  2. Best to be consumed within a week.
  3. During serving, remove these squares from the fridge and leave to warm slightly at room temperature before eating.
  4. You can substitute both the seeds with dried fruits such as raisins, cranberries or blueberries for a variation.
  5. For those who are concerned of choking hazards, serve the flapjack in a smaller bite size for younger kids.

food for tots, Food 4 Tots, apple, flapjacks, granola, bars, picky eater, toddler, oat

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  1. mycookinghut says:

    Fantastic! I have heard of flapjacks but never tried to make it. It does look pretty easy..

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ellena Guan, Lai Kuan. Lai Kuan said: {New post} Apple flapjacks – they are incredibly easy to make, eggless, nut-free and wheat free…. […]

  3. Your kid is very lucky to have you. 🙂 He can eat many yummy, homemade and healthy foods everyday.
    Oat is very healthy, good for our hearts and skin. I nearly eat oats everyday.

  4. Joanne says:

    I love oats and eat them every morning! They will definitely be a staple in my future childrens’ lives. These flapjacks look SUPER tasty!

  5. tigerfish says:

    I agree with Christine. Your kid is so lucky. You make practically everything from scratch, from raw ingredients. 🙂

  6. Alice says:

    I can imagine how tasty this apple flapjack is on your son’s face! He is so happy and satisfied with Mommy’s food. 🙂

  7. peachkins says:

    I know I will love this!

  8. noobcook says:

    Your boy is so cute! I should start eating more healthy like your family :p

  9. Evelyn Ng says:

    My boy is sick of Oats porridge. This is good idea to make you eat oats…Thanks vm.

  10. What a fantastic apple desert. I have 3 apple trees in my back yard and loads of apples this year, so I am looking for some great ideas. Thanks for sharing this one.
    *kisses* HH

  11. Great way to incorporate oats into one’s diet! I should feed that to my fussy hubs =P

  12. Kathryn says:

    What a great-looking fall treat! I always make apple turnovers around this time of year!

  13. This looks really good! My boys do not like oat by itself. Maybe I should give this a try! 🙂

  14. This is kind of healthy stuff! Great to feed children with this snack!

  15. LCOM says:

    I love anything healthy. I don’t like oat porridge too, so I used them in waffle and cookies. Got to check out this flapjack recipe. 😉

  16. Dora says:

    Healthy snacks for everyone. Great job!

  17. Hi LK, your flapjacks look yummy not to mention the nutritional benefits – I think I should make some too (for myself) lol

  18. LK your little boy is so adorable! And this looks like a great recipe. Will pass it on to my friend whose poor son is allergic to just about everything…

  19. cigi says:

    Pardon my ignorance, may i know where can i buy sunflower seeds/pumpkin seeds? i can’t find them in NTUC.

  20. iona says:

    Just made these for our 5 year old’s lunchbox with gluten free oats and trying coconut oil instead of butter which she can’t eat. They look and smell wonderful, thanks, and i’m sneaking it in as a surprise for her at school as i normally don’t get round to a pudding as cooking for her diet quite time consuming!

  21. Geri says:

    do I need to soak e oats before baking?

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