Currently Browsing: Cooking – vegetables and others
Posted on 6 December 2010 | 54 Comments
My family loves homemade pizza for several reasons. One of them is that I can easily cater to all kind of requests such as:
“More cheeses, please? Wait, why not have a mixture of Mozallera, Parmesan and Cheddar? That will be ideal.”
“Pineapples, more and more! Mummy!”
“Don’t forget to put in Pepperoni, the one without black pepper please”
“Yes, thin crust only. Remember to add semolina flour...
Posted on 25 November 2010 | 62 Comments
Congee or porridge (粥) is not only a staple food among the Chinese community but also one of the first few baby foods recommended for weaning. It is a versatile dish which can be easily prepared and served with added ingredients like fish, chicken, pork or veggies to enhance the flavour and increase its nutritional value. The texture and consistency of the congee is determined by three main factors...
Posted on 15 November 2010 | 46 Comments
Whether you are looking for a simple breakfast, a grab-n-go lunch or a light dinner, sandwich is a quick and easy solution. However, not all sandwiches are equally nutritious. Some are healthy but unappealing while some can be sinfully lip-smacking. Given the versatility in making sandwiches, parents can easily jazz them up with creative presentation and nutritious filings for their child. Here are...
Posted on 25 October 2010 | 94 Comments
“Didn’t you post a blueberry muffin recipe before?” asked my hubby when he saw me editing the photos for this post.
I replied “They are not the same, my dear. Both use different ingredients and different methods. I know it’s not the blueberry season now but I just can’t wait till the next season to share this recipe with my readers. Isn’t it your favourite? ”.
“Yes, in fact, it’s...
Posted on 14 October 2010 | 44 Comments
Sesame seeds are my favourite kitchen condiment, be it white or black. I love to use them in both my cooking and baking for their flavourful aroma. Besides, their tiny size and contrasting colours give an elegant touch to any simple dish. So, for sure, any recipe with sesame seeds as an ingredient would catch my attention, just like this popular Japanese home-style dish that I learnt from Ju of Little...
Posted on 6 October 2010 | 43 Comments
Oat is among the most nutritious grain that one can introduce to a child’s diet. As it’s easily digestable, it’s good to get your child to start enjoying oats at an early age. What’s more when this grain is also an excellent source of dietary fiber, B-vitamins (thiamin), vitamin E, calcium, protein, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc and phosphorus. Having a regular helping of oats can...
Posted on 26 September 2010 | 70 Comments
The ease to manage and chew makes patties a kids-friendly food. That’s why most kids find food appealing when presented in the form of patties. Patties are suitable to be served as a light meal, during kid’s parties or even to be packed into a kid’s lunchbox. They are also great as picnic food since proper cutleries are not required for eating. I would recommend to include greens...
Posted on 13 September 2010 | 52 Comments
Although toddlers eat smaller portion than adults do, they definitely need more energy and nutrient to support their rapid growth. From this aspect, snacks can play a significant role in fortifying their dietary requirements. Hence, parents and caretaker need to prepare snacks that are as healthy as possible. It’s also important to keep the serving size small and plan the serving time well too so...
Posted on 24 August 2010 | 63 Comments
My flat is a bit of mess now as it is the midst of a 10-days upgrading work to the toilets that is largely government-sponsored. For the entire period, both kitchen and toilets are off limit. So, no cooking and washing for me (Yay!), neither do I have any internet connection. As my wireless modem is obstructing the work, I can only plug on in the evening after the workers have left. What else can make things...
Posted on 13 August 2010 | 65 Comments
If you had been blog-hopping, you would have discovered many posts on popsicles during this summer season. Everyone has his/ her most favourite method of making popsicles to share. I can’t tell you how much I love looking at those individualistic creations. None of them are 100% identical. I’m truly amazed by how a simple recipe can be tweaked in so many interesting ways. So I told myself that I must...
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