food 4 tots

Basic Tomato Sauce

  I love tomatoes for their vibrant colour, flavour and nutrient. I buy tomatoes almost every week from my favourite vegetable seller who sells his own produce from Bukit Tinggi, at the foothill of Genting Highland. Their tomatoes are not only fresh and cheap but also pesticide-free. As you can see from the photos, they even come with green stem attached. How lovely!   Tomatoes are so versatile that...

Wholemeal Thin Crackers

  Last week, my son’s school celebrated Children’s Day. His teacher asked her students to bring some healthy food to share on that day. So, my son asked me whether I could bake something for his classmates, but it had to be eggless as some of them are on a vegetarian diet.   To fulfil this “once-a-year” request (as claimed by my son, which of course is not entirely true), I had baked 2 types...