food 4 tots

Coconut butter cookies

coconut butter cookies, butter coconut cookies, Danish butter cookies, food-4tots, food for tots, coconut, butter, cookies, toddler, kid, children, Christmas, Chinese New Year

Have you ever heard or tried Danish butter cookies before? During my childhood days, they are regarded as the most premium cookies (at least to me) as not all households could afford this luxury product. Occasionally, we would receive a tin of assorted Danish butter cookies from visitors as gift. For me, the arrival of this “extra-ordinary” treat brought lots of joys and excitement. Out of politeness, I had to wait for the visitors to leave first before I was allowed to eat them. I didn’t mind that at all. In fact, I looked forward to that precious moment to enjoy these cookies. Among all the varieties, the plain ones were the most sought after in my family. Speaking about it, I hadn’t tasted these cookies for ages!! I really missed this fond memory.

So when I spotted this recipe from *Pei-Lin’s blog, I was extremely thrilled and couldn’t wait to try it out. Yes, it was exactly the Danish butter cookies recipe that I had been searching for all this while. I thought it’s a fail proof recipe as it sounded pretty simple to replicate by any novice in baking. Unfortunately, in my first attempt, my cookies were too brown to be showcased! That’s the consequence of being over-confident! Lesson learnt! Hahaha!

[*Pei-Lin is a young lady whose talent not only in cooking and baking, but also writing. Check out her Dodol & Mochi food blog to find out more!]

Interestingly, I also learnt that the techniques and methods used for making cookies are so different from those used for making cakes and bread in particularly the baking temperature and the process making them. I picked up these tips from 孟老師的100道手工餅干(100 homemade cookies by Zhaoqing Meng), the cookbook that this recipe was adapted from. I will share more with you in my recipe at page 2. This author also published books on bread and cakes. Her recipes are very simple-to-follow with many useful pointers and illustrations. If you are a Chinese reader and interested in baking, her books are great investment! I didn’t regret buying them.

coconut butter cookies, butter coconut cookies, Danish butter cookies, food-4tots, food for tots, coconut, butter, cookies, toddler, kid, children, Christmas, Chinese New Year

Back to the cookies now, look at how appropriate Pei-Lin described these coconut butter cookies in her post:

“When simplicity exceeds expectation”
“They are truly speak for themselves”

I really love such strong, profound statements and can’t agree more with her. As the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. These ordinary looking cookies taste superb with its buttery smells, fragrant coco-nutty flavor and the right sweetness. They are so crunchy and have the melt-in-a-mouth feeling. It definitely resembles the Danish butter cookies that I tasted before. Besides making them for my family, I had also shared them with my relatives and friends. The responses were just over-whelming!! None of them could resist the temptation of having another piece. My friend’s daughter loved them so much till she bugged her mother to make some for her soonest possible. Sorry for creating more headaches to you, my dear friend! Hehehe!

Since these cookies are free of egg, milk, nuts, chocolate, spices, raisins and coffee, they are the perfect treat for kids even the picky eaters. I must say that these cookies are definitely the best gift for all occasions. It is also a not-to-be-missed recipe for Danish butter cookies fans.

>>>> Click on PAGE 2 BELOW for Coconut Butter Cookies recipes and step-by-step photos…………….

coconut butter cookies, butter coconut cookies, Danish butter cookies, food-4tots, food for tots, coconut, butter, cookies, toddler, kid, children, Christmas, Chinese New Year

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  1. cheryl says:

    hello! how long can the cookies be kept for? thanks!! 😀

    • food-4tots says:

      Cheryl: Best to consume within a week as mentioned in the recipe. 🙂

      • cheryl says:

        hello! thanks for the reply! can i apply cookie cutters for this dough? would it be too soft?


        • food-4tots says:

          Cheryl: Yes, of course you can! If it is too soft, chill your dough in the fridge for 30 minutes or freeze for 10 minutes to firm it up. If the dough turns soft half way, repeat the same step. Best to do in the evening when the weather is much cooling. 🙂

  2. Awesome recipe, gonna try it. Thanks

  3. Michelle Poh says:

    Hi, can i skip the coconut?

  4. Ming says:

    Can I add in raisins?

  5. Ming says:

    Can I add raisins into this recipe?

  6. Simona says:

    These looks great! I’m going to make them today 🙂 thank you for this recipe, they look amazing

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