food 4 tots

How to make superfast congee

  Congee or porridge (粥) is not only a staple food among the Chinese community but also one of the first few baby foods recommended for weaning. It is a versatile dish which can be easily prepared and served with added ingredients like fish, chicken, pork or veggies to enhance the flavour and increase its nutritional value. The texture and consistency of the congee is determined by three main factors...

Japanese egg salad sandwiches

  Whether you are looking for a simple breakfast, a grab-n-go lunch or a light dinner, sandwich is a quick and easy solution. However, not all sandwiches are equally nutritious. Some are healthy but unappealing while some can be sinfully lip-smacking. Given the versatility in making sandwiches, parents can easily jazz them up with creative presentation and nutritious filings for their child. Here are...

Coconut butter cookies

Have you ever heard or tried Danish butter cookies before? During my childhood days, they are regarded as the most premium cookies (at least to me) as not all households could afford this luxury product. Occasionally, we would receive a tin of assorted Danish butter cookies from visitors as gift. For me, the arrival of this “extra-ordinary” treat brought lots of joys and excitement. Out of politeness, I had...