food 4 tots

Blueberry orange muffins

  “Didn’t you post a blueberry muffin recipe before?” asked my hubby when he saw me editing the photos for this post. I replied “They are not the same, my dear. Both use different ingredients and different methods. I know it’s not the blueberry season now but I just can’t wait till the next season to share this recipe with my readers. Isn’t it your favourite? ”. “Yes, in fact, it’s...

Fine French beans with sesame dressing

Sesame seeds are my favourite kitchen condiment, be it white or black. I love to use them in both my cooking and baking for their flavourful aroma. Besides, their tiny size and contrasting colours give an elegant touch to any simple dish. So, for sure, any recipe with sesame seeds as an ingredient would catch my attention, just like this popular Japanese home-style dish that I learnt from Ju of Little...

Apple flapjacks

Oat is among the most nutritious grain that one can introduce to a child’s diet. As it’s easily digestable, it’s good to get your child to start enjoying oats at an early age. What’s more when this grain is also an excellent source of dietary fiber, B-vitamins (thiamin), vitamin E, calcium, protein, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc and phosphorus. Having a regular helping of oats can...