Come every Lunar New Year, you will find pineapple rolls/tarts being sold like hot cakes here in Singapore and Malaysia. It ranks top in the list of popular baked pastries among Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese celebrating this festive season. While they come in many variations (and ranges in taste, texture, and sweetness), we can simply place them into either the open, closed or rolled types. The rolled type, known as Nastar in Indonesia, is the one I liked best as it has the right combination of texture and taste that suits my taste bud.
I am a picky eater when it comes to eating pineapple rolls or tarts, and I find it hard to find in the market the “perfect” roll/tart that can satisfy my craving. So I decided to make them at home. The last time I tried my hands on making these rolls was a decade ago! It was a fun and enjoyable experience. Being ambitious, I even bought a custom-made press to squeeze out the pineapple roll pastry but it has laid idle for six good years. (Dear old press, thanks for being so patient and loyal to me.)
Finally, my guilt got the best of me and I decided to use it to make my own pineapple rolls for this coming Lunar New Year. The only problem is “memory lapse” . I could not recall my “decade-old” recipe. Not even a single clue! Oh gosh! (Hmm! Time for an overhaul service for my memory? Your highness (that’s right, you my husband), can you kindly approve my leave application for memory recall R&R as soon as possible?
Luckily, I managed to compile a handful of pineapple roll recipes from other food bloggers and cookbooks to recall and make comparison. Even though no one particular recipe actually met what I was looking for, there are two great references that I relied a lot when making these pineapple rolls. They are found in “Baking Made Easy” by Agnes Chang and “At Home with Amy Beh” by Amy Beh respectively.
Not to forget my good blogger friend Selba from Selby’s Food Corner (whose mother is an experienced Nastar baker and has been selling it for more than ten years) who unselfishly gave me very valuable advice and tips. Thanks Selba!!! One very important advice from her is “If you want to have the best pineapple jam, either you grate the pineapples yourself or you buy the jam. Never blend them.” Yes, I totally agreed with her, which I will explain in the following paragraph. Besides grating your pineapples, getting the right type of pineapple grater is also equivalently important if you are looking for the finest fibrous texture.
Never take any short-cut of blending your pineapples. I did that once and was very upset even though my pastry turned out delicious and crumbly. My hubby (who initially didn’t mind with the blending method) also got addicted to the fibrous and chewy jam texture made from grated pineapples. You can definitely tell the difference if you had a chance to taste and compare both versions.
Both the jam and pastry have to be done properly. They must compliment each other. And, having the correct proportion of jam and pastry is of utmost important and the key to success. I weight each jam roll to be exactly 6 gram as I find the final product comes out best when munched in the mouth. Neither too much pastry nor jam. Just the right proportion for maximum enjoyment. Preferably, the overall size of the roll is just big enough for one mouthful to have the melt-in-the-mouth feeling. This is the art of eating. My ultimate goal to have a “perfect” pineapple roll! So my advice is, you will need to adjust the size of the jam you use to match the size of the pastry.
Tum…tum….tummmmm! (drumroll) Let me now present to you my “exclusive” recipe that will churn out the best pineapple rolls in town. (Just joking! ). But if you follow the recipe closely, you will get the melt-in-the mouth pastry combined with fibrous jam texture.
I must however forewarn you. Although this recipe is very simple-to-follow, it’s very time-consuming. You need to have patience. If not, please go to buy the ready-made ones.
If you’re craving for the authentic pineapple rolls like I do, it’s definitely worth spending the time and effort to make these rolls. It’s simply very rewarding. Once you start putting one of these bite-size pineapple rolls into your mouth, you can never stop the temptation of having another, and another, and………
>>>> Click on page 2 to get the recipe, tips and more photos on how to make pineapple jam ……………
>>>> Click on page 3 to get the recipe, tips and more photos on how to make pineapple rolls …………..
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I tried your receipe, it’s was great, thanks so much for sharing, I find the jam to be a bit too sweet, am wondering if I could use honey pineapple without adding sugar. Any idea as to how it will turn out. Thank you and God bless…
Jessie: Thanks a lot for your kind feedback. Really appreciate that!! I haven’t tried your suggested method. Maybe you can use less sugar instead of totally omit it. The caramelised sugar will balance the sharpness of the pineapple juice and add a golden hue to the jam. But if you use less sugar, you may also need to reduce the amount of lemon juice. Lemon juice is used to enhance the jam flavour and balance the sweetness. Hope it helps. 😉
Hi, just to share my experience. I managed to buy a plasic press from Phoon Huat. However, as I did not like the rolls too sweet, I used 3 pineapples and less sugar instead of the recommended 200g. Also for the pastry, I used only 30g of icing sugar and 227g of butter (as I did not want the rolls too buttery). I added slightly more flour than the recommended 360g. Because of all these adjustments, I find it difficult to roll out the dough. In the end, I had to do the open type of pineapple tarts. I like the tarts because they are not too sweet and I can taste the fibre in the pineapple filling. However, my pastry crumbles rather easily. Overall, I prefer the homemade tarts to those available on the market because I can adjust them to my taste. Because of your website, I get the courage to bake my own pineapple tarts! Thank you very much!
Iris: Thanks for sharing your personal experience and wonderful compliment!!! I really appreciate that. Under hot weather, the dough may turn soft easily. To address/ minimise this issue, divide your dough into a few batches, chill them in the fridge and then roll it batch by batch. Do try this method in your next attempt. 😉
Hi! I too tried your pastry recipe today. The dough was easy enough to make and the resulting pastry was nice.
I must say though that pressing the dough out required a bit of strength. I was all tired out by the end of it! One question I have is – is the dough supposed to be quite fragile? When I press it out, I have to be quite careful as it would otherwise break off before I get the required length. Is yours as fragile? Should I be adding more or less flour? I followed your recipe exactly.
At the same time, I also made another recipe to compare (rub in method). That pastry was more sturdy but yours was still better in terms of texture of the end product.
Thanks for any input.
Thanks! 🙂
Sash: Thanks for your kind feedback. Really appreciate that. The dough is fragile but manageable. I don’t suggest that you add or reduce the amount of flour as it will affect the taste eventually. Maybe you can try the method I used for coconut butter cookies. ( I haven’t tried out rub in method as well. So I can’t comment about it. Sorry about that.
Should I keep the unused jam in the bottom part of the fridge or the top (freezer)?
Mavis: I put mine in the fridge not the freezer. 😉
hi there. thank you so much for posting. i was born and raised in usa. also i am korean-american and did not have any SE asian friends growing up. so i never tasted pineapple rolls in my life. even until age 38 i never had them. i made them tonight and now i can no longer say i never had them. (but i want to try a “real” one. i have to go to SE asia soon!) thank you so much for all of your very explicit explanations.
i have two photos i will share, a before and after. they are not pretty! very ugly. but they taste wonderful!
before baking:
after baking:
comments: difficult to find half ripe pineapples in rural america. cannot find any specific varieties either. still i think i made a good chewy jam (jam closeup:
where i live, there are specialty teaspoons and i found a 3/4 tsp (3.75 ml). if you get exactly 3/4 tsp of jam, this is exactly 6 gr of jam. very convenient and made rolling balls a little faster. (tsp link for photo:
i used thumb nastar mould. i now have a bruise on the palm of my left hand. VERY painful. i dont know if i can find a lovely press like yours. i will have to go to s’pore someday and visit phoon huat for the less nice plastic cookie presses.
i found that i did have to chill both jam balls and dough to get nicer results. still with the terrible thumb press, the dough is almost impossible to force out straight. i would never recommend this.
dough was very delicate. i was too afraid to try to use egg glaze, so i didnt. after baking, i was so glad i did not. the delicate spikes crumble sooooo easily. i dont know how anyone can travel with these.
taste is fantastic. i really appreciate that even though there is some icing sugar, the dough is still not very sweet. it is also very melt in your mouth. but gosh, so so delicate!
some of the jam melted out of the cookies during baking. maybe i need to chill the cookies 10 minutes before baking? i am not sure.
thank you again, for your GENEROUS postings. your tips were invaluable. so much so that even people who have never tasted nastar or any kind of pineapple tart can still enjoy them!
Hahnak: Thank you VERY VERY MUCH for your detailed feedback and the photos!! I really appreciate it. I’m very impressed with the amount of efforts you put in making these pineapple tarts. The rolls look GORGEOUS, serious!! Sorry to hear about your bruised thumb. Hope it will recover soon. I think it’s a great suggestion to chill both jam balls and dough if the temperature is too hot in your kitchen. FYI, my pineapple roll pastry press was bought in a baking supply ingredient shop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia about 8 years ago. But I haven’t seen one in Singapore. Another possible reason that your jam melted during baking is that it was not caramelised enough during the cooking stage. Try to extend the cooking time slightly longer and keep the jam overnight before using it. Hope it helps! Gong Xi Fatt Choy! 😉
Hi, thank you for your recipes . I made 2 batches of tarts but ready made jam from Geylang Road. It taste great , my family and all my friends love the tarts. For the first batch I followed your recipes exactly , another batch I add 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract. Its smell good . I will make again
Cindy: Thanks for your kind feedback! Glad it suits your family and friends’ palate. 😉
Hi..i want to ask whether the taste will be different if i use salted butter instead of unsalted butter?
Amelia: I guess the taste of the pineapple rolls will be saltier. 😉
wow – i am a pineapple tart sucker and I am fussy if the pineapple tarts are not to my liking. I made from time to time more for own and friends. What interest me is the pastry press mould. Not sure if they sell in KL – Any ideas?
I will definitely give your receipe a try.
Susan: I bought mine from a baking supply shop (called Bido Valley) located at Jalan Kepong, KL many years ago. So I’m not sure whether it is still available now. Maybe you can try and let me know. Hope you will like my recipe. 😉
Thanks I will try it out again 😀
Btw, my family members simply love the melt-in-the-mouth crust. Thanks so much for the detailed and fabulous recipes 😀
Joanne: You’re always welcome! Happy trying! 😉
Hi LaiKuan, just wanna drop by to thank you for this awesome pineapple tart recipe. I used this recipe to make 12 pineapples worth of tarts this year and they are a hit with everyone who ate them. You rock!
Pickyin: Thanks for dropping by and your wonderful feedback!! So glad that it’s a hit!! I guess you must be an expert in pineapple tart now. 😉
Ahhh… thanks to your recipe’s very detailed instructions. I think I will repeat this next CNY. Love your current recipes too.
Pickyin: Thanks! Glad that you find it useful. 😉
Andrea: Thanks!! I bought this pastry press from a baking supply ingredient shop (BidoValley) at Jalan Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. 😉
You mentioned the special pineapple grater. May I ask where I can purchase it from? Thks!
Cher: I bought mine from a shop selling cookware and kitchenware at a nearby wet market. 😉
Hi 🙂 I tried your recipe, and it was AWESOME! The best pineapple rolls I’ve ever tried! 😀
What I did to get a milkier taste, was to substitute 2 tablespoons of flour with milk powder. It was great!
Thank you SO SO SO much for sharing! I’ll keep this recipe till’ I get old 😉
Ann: Thank you so much for your wonderful comment and compliment!!!!! I’m so glad that it suits your taste bud. What a creative version!! I will try it out next time…..;)
may i know about how many kg for the pineapples to made this pineapple rolls ?
Chai: I’m not sure as I didn’t weight the pineapples. With 2 pineapples, you can roughly make twice the amount of the pineapple rolls based on my recipe. Hope it helps. 😉
Hai, tq for sharing ur receipe. im goin to try it for x’mas. Can I use salted butter and omit the salt.
Mary: It’s my pleasure to share. Yes, you can. Happy trying! 😉
Hi, I would love to try to make this pineapples tart, because my hubby and myself like it so much, but unfortunately I can’t get the pineapply pastry press over-here, so what is your suggestion to replace the pastry press? Any other way to make the pastry?
Evelyn: Some local baking supply ingredient shops do sell pineapple pastry press that made of plastic instead of stainless steel If you really can’t find it, you can try to roll the pastry into a flat sheet, cut into long strips and then divide into small length. So you can put the pineapple jam on top and roll it up. Hope it helps! Happy trying! 😉
Hi, I’ve tried the recipe before. It’s very nice. Use the plastic pineapple roll pastry press. It’s very easy to work with. You can buy this from any cake ingredient shop in Malaysia. It’s very cheap. It’s about RM 5 for a set of 2 press. I can’t find this plastic press in S’pore.
Christine Lee: Thanks for your kind sharing. 😉
Hi Christine, would you be able to post a pic of the plastic press so when I visit Malaysia sometime, it will help me source for it. Thanks in advance.
Shirley Lim: You can find the pic at this link: 🙂
Thanks for the info but I am not living in Malaysia or Singapore, I live in Australia. But I will try the way you suggested.
Once again “Many thanks!!!
Evelyn: Happy trying!! 😉
I finally bought the food pastry press when I was in Malaysia, and I finally made my first pineapple roll. And myself is quite impress with the result.
So I just want to drop a line to thank you for sharing your recipe with us. Although it took lots of effort and time, but I would do it again, because they taste delicious, and you know exactly what’s in there and it’s 100% no preservative.
Once again thank you and have a good day!
Evelyn: Nothing can beat our homemade version. That’s 100% for sure! Thanks for your kind feedback and glad you love it. 😉
I had tried out your recipe .The pasty n jam tasted awesome.The only problem i faced was it tend to break when i rolled it out n when i baked the pastry break n it got out of shape.
Whats the caused of it>Tq
Jess: Thanks for your kind feedback. I also faced the same problem. Due to our current hot and humid weather, it may cause the dough to turn soft easily. I suggest that you work on the dough in batches and keep the rest in the fridge until you use them later. Hope it helps! 😉
Encouraged by the positive feedback given, I’m going to try and make these mouth-watering pineapple rolls for the coming LNY. In case I can’t get the recommended press, would the recipe work for the open type of pineapple tarts. (I know you mentioned it may not work for the open-type.) But still I wonder if anyone has successfully tried the recipe on the open-faced type of pineapple tarts. Thank you.
Iris Chng: I personally haven’t tried this recipe for open type tarts. I also haven’t received any feedback from my readers about it. Instead of making open-type tarts, you can try to roll the pastry into a flat sheet, cut into long strips and then divide into small length. So you can place the pineapple jam on top and roll it up. Hope it helps! Happy trying! 😉
Thanks for your recipe! I tried baking these using the same exact amount of ingredients but my pastry turned out too dry. It all cracked in the oven and they looked too pale. Any idea why? And how can I improve on this? Thanks in advance!
Sujurocksmysocks: Thanks for sharing your feedback. It’s quite hard to judge from my end but I think the culprit could be due to the oven temperature. Different oven has different temperature setting. You may need to either increase the temperature or extend the baking time. Try both options to see what the outcome is. Hope it helps! 😉
Hi Lai Kuan, I made these tarts again this year. I have a question regarding the jam (was asked this by another friend who tried the recipe).
Is there a reason you add the juice bit by bit when cooking down the jam? Most people just put in all the juice and then boil it down slowly in the first hour, this requires less stirring.
Appreciate your feedback!
Pick Yin
Pickyin (LIG): Hi PY, thanks for sharing your kind feedback. My rationale of adding the juice bit by bit is to speed up the cooking process though it may require more stirring. But, the jam can be thicken in a shorter period of time. Some pineapples such as Sarawak pineapples can produce a lot of juices. So if you add all the juices, you may need a longer time to boil down the juice. There are pros and cons for either way. You can opt for either one that suits you best. Alternatively, you can also use rice cooker to make the jam. This method was tried and tested by one of my readers. Hope it helps and happy trying! 😉
Hi! I LOVE pineapple tarts but have never baked one on my own as my mum has always been the one doing all the CNY baking. But now that I’ve just recently got married, I wanted to try baking my own pineapple tarts for this coming CNY. *grin* I like your blog as it is easy reading and the tips! They are very helpful. I’ve just cooked the pineapple jam yesterday, but it turned out to be too sweet. Must put a mind note to taste before using the entire balance of the sugar in the future. Hope my pastry will turn out fine. *fingers crossed* Looking forward to more baking recipes and Happy Chinese New Year!
Pekkie: Thanks for your wonderful compliment and kind feedback! Looking forward to hearing your results soon! Gong Xi Fatt Chai to you and your family! 😉
[…] tarts as a way to welcome the year of dragon. Last year I tried making the pineapple tarts that LK from Food 4 Tots posted on her blog. They were amazingly delicious! So, I made again this year just in time for […]
Hi there,
My friends and I finally managed to find the time to try your pineapple tart recipes even though I had prepared the pineapple jam 2 weeks ago. The taste is great but for the jam, I added lesser sugar so that my boy can take it. In addition, our tarts were improvised into pineapple cookies cos we were using a cookie press from Wilton..but they did seem abit crumbly. Is there a reason why?
JM Suze: Thanks a lot for your kind feedback. I haven’t seen or used a cookie press from Wilton so I’m not sure about it. But due to our current hot weather (esp during afternoon), the dough may turn soft easily. So I suggest that you keep the dough in the fridge and work on them batch by batch. Hope it helps! 😉
Hello! I refrigerated my dough yesterday as I did not have time to use all of it and it was really hard today. Is there something I should do to soften it or is it fine the way it is? Thank you! Oh, and you have a wonderful recipe 🙂
Belle: Let your chilled dough thaw at the room temperature before working on it. Hope it helps! 😉
Hello! I just want to say thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe! I only came across your recipe after weeks of research! I followed your directions for the pastry and it was just awesome! I actually made the tangerine version (closed-type) and it worked beautifully being my first time baking these. These tarts simply melt away in your mouth. Will definitely bake them again! I wonder if you have more information on cooking jam using a rice-cooker? Would love to try that out if it works just as well!
Carina: Thanks for your kind feedback!! So glad that it suits your palate! I haven’t tried using rice cooker but one of my readers did it recently. She told me that she left everything inside the rice cooker and let it cook until the jam is thickened. It will take about 2 hours or so. Do share with me more after trying it out later. 😉
Hi, just wanna say a big thank you for this delicious recipe. I made this during CNY and it was a big hit among my family and friends. The pastry was just the right buttery texture that I love…My best friend practically hog the whole batch without sharing any to others~ 😛 lol~
Will definitely do again for the coming CNY!Thank you again!!!
Chris Yap: Thanks a lot for your kind feedback!! So glad that it suits your family and friends’ taste bud. I hope I have time to make some in the coming CNY too. 😉
Hi, glance thru ur recipe for the jam tarts…just to share my experience in making jam tarts. I do not use corn flour, sugar or even milk. The simple recipe just need flour, butter, salt & eggs. The pastry will turn out soft & it melts in ur mouth.
Khairiah: Thanks for your kind sharing!! 😉
Tried your recipe and it come out tops but it has to be handled very delicately after baking. The pastry just crumbles…have I done anything wrong ?
SL: Yes, it’s crumbly but still manageable. I’m not sure how crumbly your cookies are. 😉
As in very delicate…the pastry breaks easily when lifting it up to the mouth….do you leave aside for 30 mins in fridge ??
SL: You can do that as our current weather is too hot and may cause the pastry breaks easily. 😉
Does leaving aside in the fridge for 30 mins improve the delicateness after baking or just for easier handling when rolling out the pastry ?
SL: More for easy rolling. 😉
Hi again
It breaks easily when lifting it up to the mouth…have to handle very carefully else crumbs everywhere…
SL: Did you use the same pineapple roll pastry press like mine?
I use the plastic mould…roll out the same
Can I use brown sugar as the subsitute for both the dough and jam?
Cassie: Yes for the jam. But as for the dough, I think it will make the rolls too soft. 😉
Hi, before i start i would like to check with you on the following;
Can we use whole egg instead of egg yolk?
Why we need to add corn flour?
I would like to make less so do I just divide everyting by half?
Js: I’m not sure as I haven’t tried it with whole egg. I would suggest that you stick to my recipe at your first attempt. The corn flour is to make the rolls more crumbly. Yes, you can divide the recipe as you wish.
Hi, I really like your pineapple tarts they really look tasty and I must try this out. Before I begin, I would like to ask you whether the butter and icing sugar has to be beaten till light and fluffy? Many thanks.
Serene: Yes, you’re right. 😉
hi, I have used your recipe last year and it was well received.
Have just made my first batch this year.
Just a question, the pastry after baked is very crumbly.
After putting them in container, some tend to crumble and becomes a mess. Is there any way to increase the sturdiness of the pastry after baked?
I would like to share some pictures with you too, how can I do so?
Donna: Thanks for your kind feedback!! Yes, this pastry is quite delicate and crumbly but still manageable. I think using the pineapple press (as shown in the photo) will help. Yes, I can’t wait to see them! You can upload your photos at my fan page in Facebook. 😉
Dear Cassie
Same problem as described by Donna.
What’s ur fan page name?
Donna: FoodForTots – Thanks for liking my page! 😉
Hi I am currently cooking the jam…does the pot need to be covered while cooking?
Since now I have finished what needs finished, I will just share what I have done. Think the pot need not covered.
Lynn: Thanks for your feedback! 😉
Lynn: Just leave the pot uncovered. 😉
Hi, i used to buy instant jam but i would like to try your recipe to make my truly home-made pineapple rolls.. feel excited on it!
BTW, i would like to make some pineapple rolls for my vegetarian friend, do u think i can substitute butter with Margarine? if yes, could you recommend me the suitable brand? Thanks in advance! *regarding the butter -other than Luprak, what other brand can you recommend?
AkiL Yes, you can substitute with margarine but I’m not sure which brand to recommend as I never use margarine before. As for butter, you can choose any other brands that are available in your supermarket. Luprak is just my personal preference. 😉
Hi, in step 8 you mentioned that “this will take about 1to1.5hrs… ” are you referring to the whole process or just step 8?
…for this one, I am not sure…maybe it is 1 to 1.5 hr just for step 8?
… I weighed the final outcome out of 4 pineapples and it weighs 750g (about 125 x 6g). Is my jam too dry? I tasted it naked last night and it was really sweet (I put about 100g of black+white sugar in total). But when I spreaded it on my toast this morning, it tastes lovely. I am going to cut out 6g rolls with my son tonight and then the pastry tomorrow. I am sure my son will enjoy learning the maths and playdough game tonight. Thanks for the fun :>
Lynn: It’s hard to tell from the weight. I need to see the texture. 😉
Lynn: Yes, for step 8 only. 😉
Lynn: It refers to step 8 only. 😉
Thanks! I have uploaded the picture on your fb page
Actually the rolls are really manageable, just need to be more careful.
I just had a party a few days back and friends said the tarts r really nice.
The texture is soft and nice.
I think it was me that felt its very crumbly and felt worried but so far it has been fine.
Thanks for the great and easy recipe to follow!
Donna: Thanks for your wonderful feedback!! I really love to see your photo but can’t find it at my fan page. Did you upload it at the right place?
Thanks for the reply.
I have not made the pastry yet as I am scourging for a suitable container that will hold about 20~25 rolls. Will a 10cm in diameter and 10cm in height cylinder cylindrical container be just nice?
I am going to make it a gift to friends and relatives…Very thankful for the wonderful recipe.
Lynn: As for the container, your guess is as good as mine. It’s my pleasure to share. How lucky of your friends and relatives! 😉
Hi, I have uploaded again on your fan page.
I can see it on – Recent Post by Others.
Probably you can see it there?
Donna: I still can’t see it at my fan page. Don’t mind to provide me the link? Thank you. 😉
Wow your pineapple tarts look so professional and delicious. I am very impressed that the tarts are of the same size – so consistent! 🙂 I think you are a very neat and patient baker 🙂
Baking Scientist: Thanks for your wonderful compliments!! 😉
try the link below.!/photo.php?fbid=10151636810734502&set=p.10151636810734502&type=1&theater
Donna: The link you gave is not working. I think you didn’t upload at the right place as the link you gave didn’t show FoodForToddlers. It would be good to upload again your photo at my photo stream here:
i dropped u a private message.
Pls see if u can see.
Donna: Yes, I can see it. Maybe you can send me your photo and I help to upload it at my fan page. 😉
Hi, I tried out your recipe yesterday. The pineapple jam smell nice and taste delicious. But I have difficulty managing the pastry. I can’t press it out using a plastic pastry press no matter how much strength I used. In the end I hand-roll the pastry but the pastry will crack and break into many parts before I finished rolling. I even put the dought in the fridge but still thr same. Is there any steps I missed out? I fold in the flour using a wodden spoon. Is it due to over folding the dough?
Joanne: How long have you put inside the fridge? How does your dough look like? I haven’t tried using wooden spoon for folding the flour. Maybe you can try to wrap the dough with a cling wrap before putting it into the fridge like the method shown in this link: Try work on a small portion for each pressing. Due to our current hot weather, it’s better to make these cookies at a cooler place or at night when the temperature is lower. Hope it helps! 😉
Hi Lai Kuan,
Would like to thank you for this wonderful recipe! It has been a dream of mine to bake some pineapple tarts. With your very clear step by step baking method and useful notes/tips, I have successfully baked some awesome pineapple tarts! Felt so satisfying and fulfilling, thank you! Received great great feedback (they said I could have baked to sell it for the fact that it’s much better than those in the shops!!) from my family and friends!
I blogged about it at
Oh, and I have baked peanut cookies and wholemeal cookies with your recipes too. Couldn’t thank you enough, thanks!! 😛
The Kam Family: Thanks a lot for your kind feedback!! So glad that my recipes work for you. You have such a great little helper! 😉
Hi would like to ask the pineapple filing roll 1day in advance after roll do I need to put into fridge o leave it at room temperature , do I need to apply butter on tray before I put on grease proof paper , thanks for advise 🙂
Lily Wong: Yes, put in the fridge as it will help to firm up the filling. 😉
Please reply me ASAP , thank you very much for ur kind comment
Lily Wong: Done. Hope it’s not to late to reply you. 😉
[…] at $6.80 for 1kg. So this time round, I love these Pineapple Roses. This recipe was taken from food4tot which Molly recommended. Even though the paste is meant for Nastar tarts, it worked perfectly fine […]
Just found this page and was happy to find out the company still sells the pineapple press but in stainless steel at RM30. It’s too bad they don’t do courier. Thanks for the step-by-step instructions. They encouraged me to try baking the tart myself!
Alice: If you happen to come to KL, try to grab this tool. It’s indeed a good investment. Looking forward to hearing your success story soon. 🙂
I went to the store today but the press with the pattern like yours was out of stock. Being a novice at baking, I thought it was a specialty supply store and I have to get the press there. I was disappointed to find out it was a normal baking supply shop, albeit a small and messy one. The location of the store was difficult to find as the map was inaccurate. We ended up at a baking supply shop nearby my house and found the same equipment (and it looks better) in stainless steel for RM28. So, price range is the same. There were also plastic press with an assorted patterns for RM13.50. I would assume getting the pineapple press shouldn’t be a problem as it is available in most baking supply stores. Just thought I update you.
Dear Lai Kuan,
I made a mistake by melting the butter for the batter and continued on, taking my chances. Dough came out okay. It took a few attempts to master the press to get the right dough consistency but afterwards it was fairly easy. I LOVE the press! Thank you for recommending it!!! And THANK YOU for your detailed baking instructions.
Alice: Wow! Your pineapple rolls look so perfect!! They make me drool. Did you use the stainless steel pineapple press? Can show me a photo of it? I would be glad if you could also share your pineapple rolls at my Facebook fan page. 🙂
Hi Lai Kuan,
Since I’ve never baked pineapple tarts before I’ve decided to purchase the plastic press (RM13.50) instead so I could throw the whole lot if my baking attempt failed. The plastic press was good, cookies turned out better than I thought. 🙂 Will post a photo of the press and cookies in your FB soon.
BTW, I also bought a traditional flower cookie mould (in brass and wood). Could I use the same pastry recipe for it?
Alice: Thanks for sharing your kind feedback together with the photos! So glad this recipe works great for you too! So sorry. I’m not sure of the outcome as I haven’t tried making open-type pineapple rolls with this recipe. Maybe you can give it a try and share your feedback with me again.
Alice: That’s very kind of you to update me about the pineapple press. I haven’t been to this shop for a long time. 😉
Hi Lai Kuan,
Here’s the photo of the plastic cookie press I purchased for RM13.50 in SS24, PJ.
Hi Lai Kuan,
Here’s the photo image of the stainless steel Pineapple Press:
Price: RM28
Sold at:
Bake with Yen (two shops away from Fatty Crab)
No.6 Jalan SS24/13
47301 Petaling Jaya
Tel: (60) 3 7804 9361
Alice: Thank you very much for sharing this information!! That’s very kind of you! I have already inserted this information into my post. 😉
Alice: Thanks a lot for sharing the photo!! 😉
hi, is anybody (Alice? anyone?) in KL willing to purchase and send to america a stainless steel pineapple press? i have been wanting to purchase one for several years. i cannot find any online. i can pay with us dollars or we can work out a trade where i mail you something from the usa. please contact hahnak at the thank you so much.
Hi Hahnak,
Sure, I could do that for you. I’ll send you an e-mail with the plastic press I’ve purchased and you can decide if you want that or the stainless steel.