food 4 tots

Fried eggs in tomato sauce

fried eggs in tomato sauce

Time flies. Tomorrow we bid farewell to Year 2009 and welcome Year 2010. Someone casually asked my opinion about the 2012 doomsday prediction. Well, my answer is whether it will come true or not, life still goes on. Why should I fear about it if I can choose to be presently happy. Be joyful and healthy, that’s my personal goal in life. It has been my New Year resolution for these years. What’s yours?

Since returning to Singapore a week ago, I has been busy cooking and baking in the kitchen. To occupy my son (who is still at home for the school holidays), I even got him to help out in the kitchen! We had so much fun making cheesy cookies (which will be featured in the next post) and baked potato with sausages. Do you know why my son is so keen to volunteer himself? That’s because he can act as a “food taster” and sample all my shredded cheese.

During my recent trip home to Penang, I discovered one quick and easy dish from my mother – fried eggs in tomato sauce. It was also one of my favourite dish since childhood. However, as a child, I do remember disliking the sight of chili shreds in this dish, and discard them immediately. Till now it is still a habit of mine even though eating chili itself is no longer an issue.

The simplicity of this home-cooked dish is what I like best. No secret or special method behind it’s cooking. It’s also the nostalgic feeling I get from the many fond memories the dish brings back to me. After sampling his grandma’s fried eggs in tomato sauce, my son has developed a love for it. So does my niece and nephew.

My mother learnt most of her cooking from my grandmother. That usually means no written recipe. Just from the words of mouth without any specific measurement for ingredients used. She cooks from past experiences. I’m so glad that she allowed me to “invade” her kitchen and jolt down the recipe for this dish to share with you. The ingredients and seasonings used are merely her estimation. You may need to adjust it according to your own preference. (P/S: Another recipe from my mother is grandma’s pancake.)

I must say that this is the simplest and quickest egg dish that I know so far. It’s definitely a great start-up dish for people who has never cooked before. A dish that can assure you to pass with flying colours! What else to wait? Get your ingredients and “wok” now!

>>> Click on page 2 below for recipe, more photos and steps-by-steps instructions………………………….

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  1. tigerfish says:

    I thought the easiest way to enjoy “purse egg’ is with some drizzle of soy sauce…now I know a better way.

    Happy 2010! And the notion in my recent post is to be happy too!

  2. NKOTB says:

    wrong timing reading this piece of post… am actually reading this while waiting for my transport… sigh… sigh…

    hungry la!!!

  3. celine says:

    sounds interesting. never had before, its always with soy sauce. will definitely try it out.

    btw happy 2010 (one day early) to you & fly.

  4. mycookinghu says:

    Yumm… I love this kind of dish! You present it really nicely! 😉

  5. Peggy says:

    The dish looks beautiful! Definitely something new for me so I may have to try it soon!

  6. Pei-Lin says:

    A simple and yummy homecooked dish! =D

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you & family!

  7. Alice says:

    Fried eggs in tomato sauce! Me too, first time seeing it. But, it looks so nice and appetizing. Let me try it on my son and see what is his feedback! Happy New Year to you and your family! 🙂

  8. noobcook says:

    This is a beautiful and tasty looking dish. Wishing you and your loved ones a happy 2010! 🙂

  9. peanutts says:

    Happy new year to you too. I love eggs, scrambled, fried, omelettes boiled , if its got eggs its bound to be my favorite.

    Hope you have great year ahead

  10. LK, I really want to visit Penang. It’s on my “must visit” list next year!! What a wonderful, simple, homely dish you made. How lovely that your son is actively helping out in the kitchen too! 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your family!! Best regards.


  11. tracieMoo says:

    a simple dish that only you could make me drool with these pictures!

  12. anncoo says:

    Happy New year and wishing you & your family all the best for the coming year.

  13. LCOM says:

    Looks delicious! I have not tried this dish yet. Happy New Year to you & family!

  14. Very interesting! Happy New Year!

  15. Hello! I am so glad I found your blog when I was reading Ju’s. Congratulations on your new home. I really like your format. I have recently been gripped by an ambitious thought: to cook Penang Assam Laksa and Char Kuey Teow…When I was in Penang in Oct, unfortunately, I did not manage to have good Assam Laksa…:(

    • food-4tots says:

      Shirley: Tks for dropping by and your kind comment. I haven’t tried to replicate PAL and CKT at home. Don’t think I have the courage to take up these challenges for the time being. LOL! What a co-incidence! I also didn’t have a good PAL during my recent Penang trip but I’m glad that I had discovered other great Penang food. 😉

  16. Little Inbox says:

    This is simply delicious! Another new recipe which I’m going to try.
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  17. This dish, tomatoes with eggs is my favourite too, easy and yummy.

    Happy New Year
    Wishing you have a healthy and joyful year!

  18. hey sis, Happy belated New year wishes from us boys, Sunny & Sidney! 🙂

  19. YUM this looks so delish and easy to make! Maybe I’ll try it later in the week… We have all the ingredients yay! =)

  20. Myf says:

    MMmmmm… my fave childhood breakfast!! This post really reminds me of how mum usd to make eggs for me previously, and she still make them for the kids now… 🙂

  21. mangan says:

    I am also learning cooking from my mother and I think its like a tradition for all of us.You have given nice recipe of fried eggs in tomato sauce.Its seems delicious.Thanks for this recipe.

  22. wow… this is really a nice recipe for me. As sometime when we are in hurry this recipe is good. And I think most kid will like it since it has some sauce to go with the rice. Will certainly give it a try! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Alice says:

    I tried this last night and I would give it 2 “thumbs up”…. it is simple, humble and tasty! 🙂

  24. Tinny says:

    I understand that this is a fairly old post now, but having just made and eaten this, I felt like I really should say thank you for sharing the recipe! It’s perfect for a student that doesn’t have a broad budget as it uses ingredients that I can eat day-in day-out, but makes something a bit different, and a bit more special (and a bit more tasty!) out of them 😀

  25. anne says:

    thanks for sharing this recipe, my husband & my son love it so much; very simple yet so tasty. 🙂

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