food 4 tots

Asparagus and chicken stir-fry

asparagus, chicken, stir-fry

Asparagus (卢笋)tops my list of premium vegetables. There are two common varieties that I can find in the local market, all imported, from Thailand and Australia respectively. If I were given a choice, I prefer the ones from Australia for its better taste. However, its price can stretch my weekly budget. Hence, I would normally buy them only when they are in season when prices can drop by half. Otherwise, I will opt for the more economical Thai asparagus.

Asparagus is best consumed immediately after purchase. But, there are some suggested tips to maintain its freshness for longer storage from this link.

I introduced asparagus to my son before he turned one and it remains as one of his favourite vegetables ever since. He enjoys eating asparagus even though I just blanched or steamed them.

There are many ways to cook asparagus. For examples: stir-frying, grilling, roasting, steaming etc. Which one is your prefer method? On days when I am in a rush, I like to stir-fry as I can easily combine asparagus with some other ingredients to come up with a one-dish meal just like the recipe I am featuring in this post.

The seasonings used in this recipe are very simple and easily available. They also work well for other Chinese stir-fry dishes too. I always refer to this combination as my basic seasoning in most of my Chinese cooking. So far, it has never disappointed me as all my stir-fried dishes have turned out to be very delicious. For a start, if you are new in Chinese cooking, these seasonings are very useful. Do give it a try!


Fun facts about asparagus:

  • Asparagus is sometimes referred to as the “food of kings,” and the “aristocrat” of vegetables. (Too good to be true! I am sure my “Emperor” will like this fact.)
  • Cultivation of asparagus began over 2,000 years ago.
  • King Louis XIV of France loved Asparagus so much he had special greenhouses built, so he could enjoy the vegetable year-round.
  • Asparagus is a nutrient-dense food which in high in folic acid. It is a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin.
  • Asparagus has no fat, contains no cholesterol and is low in sodium.
  • The larger the diameter, the better the quality!
  • Edible asparagus comes in three colors – green, purple and white. Green asparagus is the most common variety.
  • White asparagus, which is very popular in France, is rarely available in supermarkets. It is grown in the dark so they can’t produce chlorophyll, which gives asparagus its green color.

Other reading references:
–  Asparagus facts
–  Australian Asparagus Council
–  Asparagus – The Food of Kings

Updated on 26 Sept 2009
Below is a wonderful fact contributed by Criz Lai of Criz Bon Appetite:
“Asparagus contain glutathione, which is considered one of the body’s most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants. In some proven cases, blended boiled asparagus has been used in the Asparagus Diet Therapy for cancer treatment and it had shown positive results.”


>>> Click on page 2 below for Asparagus and chicken stir-fry recipe………………….

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  1. mycookinghut says:

    Asparagus is always my fav veg. I like stir-fry them. And from time to time, I like to just put one small cube of butter in the skillet and grill them. 🙂

  2. homeladychef says:

    One of the comfort food from mummy! This will always reminds me how nice to have a mummy around to cook for me. 🙂

  3. Amy says:

    Yes, LK! Me, too. I love, love, love asparagus. On their own or in dishes. I am always surprised at how many people don’t like it and think it’s bitter. In the summer time, I like to put a little olive oil and balsamic over some stalks, and then throw them on the grill. Delicious.

  4. I heard it’s good for cancer patient.
    BTW, this dish looks really colourful. 🙂

  5. anncoo says:

    This is definitely a healthy dish. I used to cook with mushroom but will try to cook this.
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. Selba says:

    Although I eat asparagus very seldom coz’ it’s not really easy to find it but I really like it.

    Good to know the fun fact of asparagus 🙂

  7. Alice says:

    Wow! Nice bunch of fresh & green asparagus! I love the taste of asparagus too especially stir fry with mix vegetables and meat. Nice combination!

  8. Little Inbox says:

    I just bought some asparagus. I can try out this recipe. 🙂

  9. ck lam says:

    Never seen the small bite size asparagus…indeed a creative idea.

  10. Ching says:

    Yum, I love this stir-fry too. It’s very yum in omelet too!

  11. tigerfish says:

    I can find big fat ones here (did you say the larger the diameter, the better?) ;p

  12. Yummy, yummy!!!! I am hungry…..

  13. Hi LK — Lovely photo and delicious recipe 🙂 i come to yr blog to get inspired….

  14. gattina says:

    E, agree! asparagus works beautiful with our chinese cooking! Your photography is gorgeous!

  15. I love stir-fried asparagus too!! healthy and taste good…huh? I preferred the green one not white asparagus!! said the white one didn’t expose to sunlight ..

    • food-4tots says:

      My Asian Kitchen: Definitely healthy and tasty too! The best thing is that stir-fry method is also easy for me! Never try the white one before. Hope I will have a chance to try out all the varieties. 😉

  16. Criz Lai says:

    Wow… a simple recipe to feed just any ages. Cool recipe LK.

    I also want to share with your readers the wonderful facts about asparagus. They contain glutathione, which is considered one of the body’s most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants. In some proven cases, blended boiled asparagus has been used in the Asparagus Diet Therapy for cancer treatment and it had shown positive results.

    So everybody should listen to Mummy’s advice to eat the vegetables on the plate. 😛

  17. BEAUTIFUL! I love how you did this dish … the colours, the presentation, oh, it’s mouthwatering. Best of all, nutritious too! 🙂

  18. Beautiful colors and nice varied textures in this stir fry! Looks delicious.

  19. Simply Life says:

    Oh this looks delicious!

  20. wow what a great site, love it, have a great day


  21. Karine says:

    Asparagus is so good! And I love your stir-fry. It looks delicious 🙂

  22. Dora says:

    So colourful! Must be very yummy too! 😀

  23. TracieMoo says:

    I love asparagus! I’ve never stir fried them.. I usually just steam them cause I’m quite lazy.. I shall try this soon! thanks for sharing =)

  24. noobcook says:

    Love asparagus but I’m lazy to “shave” the woody parts so seldom cook it. Your version looks absoultely delish! I like the close ups shots =)

  25. Bryan V. says:

    Love asparagus as well!

  26. Myf says:

    What can I say? asparagus amazes me… I love it so much though don’t really eat them often, hard to find those big, crunchy ones nearby my area… but i am going to make chicken and asparagus soon… 🙂

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