food 4 tots

Power-packed oat bars

power-packed oat bars


Health expert or nutritionist always stressed that good nutrition starts with breakfast, especially so for children. This is because good nutrition promotes health, and a healthy child learns better.


On occasions where a kid doesn’t have a good breakfast and needs energy to sustain through the day, getting a snack can be an important energy booster for them. But, how can one have a snack that is simple and healthy? Instead of cookies and pre-packaged sweets, you can try the power-packed oat bars I am featuring here. TheyΒ are quick and easy to make, and also fun if you get your child to prepare it together with you.


These yummy flapjack-type bars are fully packed with nutritious ingredients such as oats, dried apricots, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. They are much healthier and cheaper than those bought at the stores, and taste better too! So, try making them as a healthy addition to the lunchbox. For adults, it can be a great snack for those forced to miss regular meals due to hectic schedule.


>> Click on PAGE 2 BELOW for Power-packed Oat Bars recipe ………………..



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  1. Amy says:

    I always make my own trail mix, which is WAY more nutritious than the pre-made packaged kind. And you have more control with endless combinations.

    I’ve always thought about making my own cereal/granola bars, but for some reason thought it seemed like a lot of work. This doesn’t sound hard at all! And I love the ingredients used.

  2. Lori says:

    I have oodles and noodles of granola recipes. Love them. That first picture looks like it could be the front of a box of oatmeal bars. Nicely done. I will try your method. Sounds good. I wonder if a substiture of brown rice syrup would work for the golden syrup.

    • food-4tots says:

      Lori: Tks for your wonderful compliments! I am so flattered! Sorry I haven’t tried brown rice syrup before but it sounds healthy to me as a substitution to golden syrup. No harm trying. Hope you will like it. πŸ˜‰

  3. felicia says:

    mmm! looks awesome!
    i just made my own granola.
    should make them into bars too!

  4. I’ve been looking for a good homemade granola bar recipe. This looks so yummy!

  5. Chin says:

    Brilliant! Thanks. What is the shelf life?

    • food-4tots says:

      Chin: Tks for your compliments! It should be fine if you store them in the fridge and consume within a week. But in actual case, I think you can’t even keep them more than 1 day as the demand is definitely higher than the supply. This is what I had experienced so far. πŸ˜‰

  6. Janice says:

    Hey. I have been looking for this type of recipe or so long but most of it didn’t suit me. Is the power packed oat bar very sweet?

    • food-4tots says:

      Janice: I had reduced both the brown sugar (by 20g) and golden syrup (by 15g) in my recipe as compared to the original one. Based on the feedback from my “testers” (from different families), these bars are just nice (not too sweet to their taste buds). Hope you will like them!

  7. mycookinghut says:

    These bars are great for breakfast. I usually like to stock a few in my drawer at work when I had no time to have proper breakfast!

  8. Selba says:

    This is so great and healthy! To make your own oat bars! Love your shots! πŸ™‚

  9. Looks very moist and chewy πŸ™‚ I don’t mind having some, for extra energy to run after my 3 kids!!! LOL.

  10. Ching says:

    Oh yummy yummy! I love this nutrition bars!

  11. noobcook says:

    looks so wholesome and delicious. This is the perfect snack πŸ˜‰

  12. Alice says:

    Wow! This is so awesome! The oat bars look so beautiful and yet healthy! A great snack for kids!

  13. You are really a great mum, always thinks for the best for your son when come to food!!!! The Oat Bars really make me feel re-energise by just looking at it, it is so healthy and delicious!!!!

  14. Little Inbox says:

    I used to have Muesli bar, nut bar and Milo bar for my snack in the office. πŸ™‚

  15. Maya says:

    These are great for lunches!

  16. TracieMoo says:

    a good and healthy snack indeed!

  17. wow this is a power snack! πŸ™‚

  18. buzzingbee says:

    I never thought oat bars are makable at home. Haha. I’m gonna try the non-baked version!! Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  19. duriancheesecake says:

    I’ve made this twice already, once to share with friends. We all agree 1. it tastes better than or if not as good as the store bought ones. 2. it’s so easy to do. Just put everything (almost) into the bowl and you’re good to go 3. perfect sweetness 4. versatile – can replace the fruit with choc chips, seeds with nuts. Shelf life? What shelf life? Ours was gone in 2 days! Thanks for sharing. Amazing site, by the way.

    • food-4tots says:

      Duriancheesecake: Tks for your wonderful comments and kind supports!! You are so creative in your own mix-n-match of ingredients! Besides your 4 great benefits, I have another one here – it’s definitely cheaper than those store bought bars! Agreed? πŸ˜‰

      • duriancheesecake says:

        Oh yes. Since I’m planning to keep on making these, any investment in the more’expensive’ ingredients will pay off in the end. Keep those recipes coming!

        • food-4tots says:

          Duriancheesecake: That’s great! One day you will be an expert in this area. Homemade is always the best! I also gave some to my son’s teacher and tea lady to try out yesterday. They asked me for the recipe. Hopefully they will make some for the children during their snack time. πŸ˜‰

  20. mindy says:

    hi..its me again ha..haa
    where can i get (Groub b)all the ingredient n wat is porridge oats.thanks

    • food-4tots says:

      Mindy: Hi!! Nice to see you again! You can find them in either supermarket (under dried food or organic section) or baking shop. Rolled oats is one of the common porridge oats. Happy trying!! πŸ˜‰

  21. mindy says:


  22. jjcht says:

    Can i replace the golden syrup with honey?

  23. Florence says:

    I tried for the first time, adhering strictly to the recipe and it was a success!

    For the second attempt, I decided to be creative and substituted white sugar for brown sugar and margarine for butter. It was a flop as the bars did not stick at all.

    Is white sugar or margarine the cause of it?

    • food-4tots says:

      Florence: From my google search, I think white sugar is highly likely to be the main problem as compared to margarine. Some recipes did use margarine to subsitute butter. But as for brown sugar, you need to keep the brown sugar to maintain its chewy-cruncy bite as mentioned in this link. Instead of fully substitute brown sugar with white sugar, you can try a combination of brown and white sugar as shown in some online recipes. Hope it helps. πŸ˜‰

  24. I love munching on these.. my fave now is Nature Valley’s crunchy peanut butter granola bars! πŸ˜€

    I also munch on cereals.. and never eat them with milk! Perhaps a healthier alternative to chips?? πŸ˜›

  25. healthnut says:

    Looks so delicious. I want to try this. Can i replace the golden syrup with honey or blue agave?

    • food-4tots says:

      Healthnut: Thanks!! I haven’t tried honey or blue agave before but both sounds feasible to me. But I just worry that honey may be too runny and won’t set like golden syrup. This is just purely my guess. You may need to do your own experiment. Do share with me your outcome. Thanks! πŸ˜‰

      • healthnut says:

        Hi. I baked one batch this morning with honey. Smells good and taste good. However, the bars stick to the baking paper. Couldn’t remove it. I also tried the walnut banana cake. That was excellent.

        • food-4tots says:

          Healthnut: Thanks for your kind feedback!! I faced the same problem too in my first attempt. But after using the non-stick baking and cooking paper from GLAD, I can easily remove the bar. You can find this product in any supermarket. Same category as the aluminium foil and cling film. Hope this helps. πŸ˜‰

  26. Alisha says:

    Can this be posted with measurments in cups and teaspoons in such?

  27. Karen says:

    Looks so so GOOD!Can I substitute vegetable oil for butter? How much should that be? Thanks πŸ™‚

  28. Andrea says:

    Looks great! Did you use sweetened or unsweetened coconut?

  29. Joyce says:

    It’s look so yummy! Can I substitute porridge oats with rolled oats?

  30. Joyce says:

    It’s looked so yummy! Can I substitute porridge oats with rolled oats?

  31. Evelyn Tan says:

    Hi, if it is not stated in your recipes, do i use fan forced or just top and bottom heat for my oven settings?

    • food-4tots says:

      Evelyn Tan: I have been using top and bottom heat for all of my recipes including this one. I don’t think it will make any significant different for this recipe. Most importantly, you need to check your oven temperature setting as different model has different internal temperature setting. Hope it helps! πŸ™‚

  32. Stef says:

    Hi.. If I replace apricot to sultanas, still same 70g? Will it be too sweet?

    • food-4tots says:

      Stef: Yes, you can replace apricots with other dried fruits. As sultanas are more on the sweet side, you can reduce the amount of it and increase the amount of cranberries as long as the total dried fruits is around 100g. Hope it helps! πŸ™‚

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