food 4 tots

Raisin and seed rolls

raisin, bread, baking, kid, toddler, food for tots


Having tried my hand at making sausage rolls and pizza, I was on the look out for a good bread recipe.  Not long ago, I chanced upon a simple and easy bread recipe called soft raisin bread from Daily Delicious.


This recipe uses a sweet bun dough which is similar to the sausage rolls recipe I tried earlier except it does not use egg and sausage. You just need to shape the dough into balls instead of pleating it. As for the kneading process, I managed to knead the dough by hand without much difficulty.


If you are making bread for the first time, refer to the video and check out the link mentioned in notes (4) & (5)  to familiarize yourself with the technique. Once you have acquired the technique, you may just get addicted to kneading bread, like me! The only important thing to note is to allow enough time for the rolls to rise, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. On the whole, I found it to be fun and a stress reliever!


I made some minor changes to the original recipe. Instead of making a single loaf, I divided the dough into small pieces and shaped them into bread rolls. I also added 3 types of seeds ie, sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds to make it healthier and tastier for my little tot.  These rolls can be eaten warm or cold but they are best consumed on the day they were baked.


The rolls were eaten with relish at breakfast by my family. I shared some rolls with my neighbour  who was not a great bread lover but she came back and told me that this was her kind of bread.  I also shared the recipe with my good friend Alice from Bits-of-Taste.  She was very satisfied with the results and her family enjoyed it very much.  You can hop over to her beautiful blog to read about her success story.



Recipe: Adapted and modified from Daily Delicious.

Make: 9 small rolls

200g bread flour
1 tsp instant dried yeast
2 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt
25g unsalted butter (soft)
140ml whole milk (I used fresh milk)
50g raisins (If you are making single loaf, use 100g raisins)
2 tbsp water (I used water)
Handful of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds
Egg wash – 1 egg plus tbsp water


  1. Soak raisin in hot water for 5 minutes.  Drain, pat dry and set aside.
  2. Grease baking sheet or cover baking sheet with grease-proof .
  3. Put flour and yeast in a mixing bowl, whisk to combine, add sugar and salt and whisk again.
  4. Make a well (a large hole) in the centre of the flour mixture. Pour milk into the well. Use a large spoon (or pastry scraper) to stir the ingredients to make soft dough.
  5. Turn the soft dough out onto a floured work surface.  Rub in the butter. Knead for 10 minutes until dough is smooth, shiny and elastic.
  6. Roll the dough into a square sheet and sprinkle raisins on top. Knead lightly to incorporate the raisins into the dough.
  7. Place the dough in a lightly buttered bowl and cover it with tea towel or cling wrap. Leave dough to rise in a warm place, until it doubles its size.  This would takes about 1-1½ hours.
  8. Preheat oven to 180ºC.
  9. Take the dough out of the bowl. Gently knock back the risen dough with your knuckles to deflate it.
  10. Divide the dough into 9 pieces. Dust your hands with flour and shape the dough into rolls. Place the rolls on the baking sheet, leaving some space between each roll to allow the rolls to rise and spread.
  11. Cover the rolls loosely and leave to rise in a warm place for another 30 minutes, till the rolls have almost doubled their size.
  12. Brush each roll with egg wash and gently press the seeds on the top of the rolls. Bake for 18 – 20 mins until they are well risen and golden brown.
  13. Leave the rolls to cool on the baking sheet.


  1. To check whether the dough is well kneaded, try stretching part of the dough into a thin sheet without breaking.
  2. Instead of making rolls with this sweet bun dough recipe, you can make a single loaf or any other shape you like.
  3. You can mix the seeds into the dough, instead of pressing the seeds on the top of the rolls as instructed in Step 12 .
  4. If you are a novice in baking like me, watch this video clip on how to knead the bread dough.
  5. For step-by-step instructions with photos (only applicable for steps 1-9), you can refer to the original recipe or hand kneading instructions.

Updated on 24/08/2009:
Soak raisins with a bit of tap water for a while, drain and squeeze away excess water. Put raisins in a plastic bag and keep overnight (or 2-3 hours if you are making these rolls on the same day). This is to avoid the raisins from absorbing too much moisture from the bread. If you omit this step, the bread will turn dry the next day.

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  1. kuraisollu says:

    I will try this soon!


  2. gertrude says:

    This bread look so lovely. I am a great fan of Daily Delicious too. Her bread recipes always came out perfect.

    • food-4tots says:

      Getrude: Tks for your compliment. I luv all the breads you learnt from your recent bread making lesson esp the 7-grains bread. Are you going to share this recipe with your readers soon? 😉

  3. Your rolls look delicious! Lovely photos. The seeds on top look great.

  4. mycookinghut says:

    Looks really good, LK! I have not tried baking bread yet… I think I soon need to lay my hands on breads soon!

  5. Little Inbox says:

    Unlike you, I’ve not try to bake my own bread. Lazy, haha…

  6. Alice says:

    Oh yes LK! This is indeed a fantastic recipe especially for a novice in making bread like me… simply delicious! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  7. ck lam says:

    A good teatime snack for me.

  8. allie says:

    I’m a bread lover! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  9. Christine says:

    Congratulations on the new site! It looks fab! Sorry so late with the comment, been out of action for a while and obviously have missed lots of your yummy creations! These buns look great, thanks for the tip of using pepita seeds as a topping, we love those even on ice cream!

  10. Ching says:

    Looks so soft and yummy!

  11. good snack for people having stomach upset like me now. 🙂

  12. well the classes had yet to start, this evening, but from the responds, it looks like we will be back more often, I am sure we will get to meet up! 🙂

  13. Steven Goh says:

    wao… nice, my mum like to bake bun too, too bad she doesn’t place quachi on top. I want to ask her to read your blog dee.

  14. Dora says:

    Good! Contains more fibre (healthy!) with the addition of seeds. 😀

  15. Wow, they look so tasty and healthy. I would try it out if I have an oven now, sigh!

  16. your bread always look good and soft!! I like the seeds on the top!!

  17. B.Rueh says:

    Hey! love your blog 😀

    I am a newbie at baking & tried this recipe the other day and it tasted good!
    But my dough turned out a bit small and i coud only shape 8 rolls and it didn’t turn out as fluffy as yours. Any idea why? ):

    Hope you dont mind me linking you (:

    • food-4tots says:

      B.Rueh: Welcome to my kitchen! Tks for your wonderful comments and the linking.

      There are several reasons which you can refer to review your mistakes:
      a) using hot water for the yeast
      b) your room temperature maybe too cold.
      c) your buns are overbaked.

      Hope it helps!

  18. Hwee Li says:

    There was 2 tbsp water listed in ingredients list (after raisins).
    Is that referring to the hot water used to hydrate the raisins?

  19. Jaclyn says:

    Hi there,
    You have such wonderful recipes and I can’t wait to try them all. Thank you for sharing

    Can i replace half the flour with wholemeal flour for this reipe?


  20. Lilyn says:

    Can I use a bread machine to make the dough n I’ll divide it into 10 n add in the seeds.

  21. Lilyn says:


    Thanks for ur reply. Can I let the bread machine do it like when it peeps I put in the seeds cos I’m afraid that I might over knead the dough.

    • food-4tots says:

      Lilyn: So sorry I have used a bread machine before. Basically, let the machine knead the dough till end. Then, remove the dough from the machine and incorporate the seeds by hand. This will avoid over-kneading. 🙂

  22. Lilyn says:

    Ok. I will do that.
    Tks & God bless 🙂

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