food 4 tots

Cold Soba Noodle Salad

cold soba, soba, noodle, salad, Japanese noodle, toddler, food 4 tots


On hotter days, I often skip doing any serious cooking and turn to making simple and easy-to-prepare meals for lunch, like this cold soba noodle salad. This Asian inspired fusion one-dish meal is welcomed most by my family who loves both noodles and salad. It’s so refreshing and appetizing yet filing that we don’t mind having it as meal for the whole day.


Soba noodles, a type of Japanese thin noodles, are often made from buckwheat and wheat flour. Asides from its lovely earthy and nutty flavour, soba noodles have much to give in terms of nutritional value. They contain slow-releasing carbohydrates, low in calories and rich in vitamin and minerals (such as manganese and thiamin). Knowing that soba noodles can be a healthy swap for pasta, I have introduced soba noodles into my son’s diet since he was one year old.


cold soba, soba, noodle, salad, Japanese noodle, toddler, food 4 tots


I really love how easy it is to make this noodle salad. All of the ingredients and salad dressing can be prepared one day ahead. On the actual day itself, during mealtime, I just have to take them out from the fridge, toss them together and serve. Absolutely no hassle at all! You can enjoy it either chilled (my family’s favourite) or at room temperature. This noodle salad is not just great for lunch but also excellent to prepare lunchbox as well as picnic and potluck gathering.


This is a very versatile recipe. There are many ways to dress up this salad. Feel free to use any combination of ingredients you like. If you love hot and spicy flavour, try adding some wasabi paste to the salad dressing to give it an extra kick. Well, a little goes a long way!


If you have a picky eater who show very little interest with his daily meal, this wholesome noodle salad may be a great way to entice his appetite.


Get the recipe and step by step photos for Cold Soba Noodle Salad at PAGE 2 BELOW.


cold soba, soba, noodle, salad, Japanese noodle, toddler, food 4 tots

cold soba, soba, noodle, salad, Japanese noodle, toddler, food 4 tots

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  1. Ling says:

    I can almost taste the goodness just by looking at your fantastic photos! πŸ™‚ I can never get enough of sesame. Thanks for taking time to share again!

  2. tigerfish says:

    I think what takes most time is how finely the ingredients have to be sliced πŸ˜› love a cold soba noodle salad like this.

  3. Alice says:

    Lovely! A great idea for a simple lunch and healthy too! πŸ™‚

  4. Nammi says:

    HI!!!! I havent visited you for ages πŸ™‚ , love the new changes to your site!!!. Got a fussy eater now so looking for inspiration πŸ™‚ . have a nice week end

  5. The second photo is an art. Lovely !

  6. ChristineT says:

    I can imagine how good the soba tastes by looking at your recipe Well…it’s time to do some shopping at my favourite Japanese store. Just out of curiosity, what type of frying pan do you have in your photos? How many adult servings can you make with a packet of soba?

  7. ChristineT says:

    Opps…I just realised that you do have the number of servings stated in your recipe. Sorry.

  8. mummy tan says:

    school is starting and dropping by to get some ideas for new lunch menu πŸ™‚

    This is a keeper for my new lunch menu.

  9. mummy Tan says:

    The kids enjoyed it too. The weather was so hot during the first wk of school, this dish was a nice cooling lunch.

    I’m going to try the cauliflower recipe tomorrow. The kids prefer broccoli too, so hopping the recipe will change their minds heehee.

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